California Sports and Spine Institute
Disceel spinal procedure in California

About Discseel® Procedure

Recognizing the need for a real alternative to invasive spinal fusions and discectomies Dr. Moradian felt that he needed to provide a solution that is minimally-invasive and effectively treats long term chronic back pain. The Discseel® Procedure does exactly that. This revolutionary and minimally-invasive procedure uses an FDA-approved, 100% natural biologic called Fibrin.

Fibrin is injected into the disc, which seals the tears and allows for natural healing to occur. When fibrin is used in combination with PRP, the disc is not only sealed, but promotes healing. That is why Dr. Moradian offers the Discseel® Procedure as a true alternative to spinal fusions at his office in Southern California.

Lumbar Discseel® Procedure

Your active lifestyle doesn’t have to stop because of your chronic back pain. There is hope with Discseel® Procedure.

Discseel® Procedure FAQ's

Are you an optimal Discseel® candidate?

To find out if you are an optimal Discseel® Candidate, apply today. We take your diagnosis and treatment seriously, as we treat only those we think we can obtain long-term relief. We would be honored to speak with you regarding available options for your search for a pain-free life. Living free of back pain is a reality after your discs are sealed, which allows them to heal. You may apply online or call us directly at (626) 460-1096.

What is the process of Discseel®?


The first step to determining if the Discseel® Procedure can help you relieve your chronic back pain is to complete our patient application. Dr. Moradian will review your application and any medical imaging of your spine that you provide. A patient advocate will reach out to answer any questions and to schedule your one on one consultation with Dr. Moradian at their Arcadia office.


During your in-person consultation, Dr. Moradian will go over your pain symptoms, any previous tests or procedures you have had, and your goals for life after your procedure. This is the time to be honest and get the answers other doctors haven’t been able to provide. Dr. Moradian will then walk you through the procedure and go over what to expect up to, during, and after the procedure.


An annulogram is a test that provides Dr. Moradian with more detailed imaging than what is possible with an MRI. While an MRI can identify bulges and discs degeneration, it lacks the detail to identify tears in the disc. Often patients will have spinal surgeries such as fusions and discectomies, which fail to actually correct the issue which is the source your pain. This is the main reason for such a high failure rate for spinal fusions and why, here at iSCORE, Inc., Dr. Moradian insists that before performing the life-restoring, non-invasive Discseel® Procedure, you have an annulogram or discogram.


The day is finally here, and Dr. Moradian is going to perform the non-invasive Discseel® Procedure on your back. During the procedure he will inject your damaged disc with the biologic called fibrin. Fibrin is an FDA approved human biologic that is found in human blood cells. When the fibrin is introduced to the damaged disc, it will seal the annular tear that is leaking inner gel from the annulus. The repaired disc will begin to return it’s normal height, due to fibrin’s inherent ability to promote tissue growth. The entire Discseel® Procedure is performed with image-guided assistance to ensure accuracy and improve patient success. The procedure itself takes approximately 45 minutes and is performed in an out-patient facility.


The recovery process is simple and fast. After the Discseel® Procedure, most patients are walking in the next 24 hours. You may experience mild and temporary discomfort. This is to be expected and is normal. The second your physician injects fibrin into the damaged disc and your disc is sealed, the healing process begins. The fibrin will continue to promote growth in the damaged disc for the next 12 months. On day two, you can start walking, while avoiding bending and twisting. After this, we encourage a gradual progression in duration and distance of walking as you feel better. Post-op instructions will be provided on the day of the procedure.

What is the Discseel® procedure recovery time?

After the procedure, most patients are walking normally within the first 24 hours. Immediately after the procedure, your once damaged disc will begin to heal as your body grows new disc tissue. The overall healing process will continue over the next 12 months.

What to do before the Discseel® procedure application?

Before Dr. Max Moradian performs the Discseel® Procedure on a patient, it is important that he review your history and condition to make sure you are a candidate for this procedure. The first step is for you to complete the Discseel® Procedure Application.

Once you have completed our online application, our Discseel® Patient Liaison will contact you to review the details of your application and to answer any initial questions you may have. During that call, he will also set up your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Max Moradian to discuss the Discseel® Procedure and review your current back pain symptoms.

How does the Discseel® procedure compares to a traditional spinal fusion?

For over 100 years, physicians have been performing spinal fusions on their patients. Although medicine has advanced significantly in the last 100 years, spinal fusions are still performed using hardware that is permanently screwed into the spine. When a patient has a portion of their spine fused, they experience permanent limitations to their mobility and flexibility. These permanent changes, coupled with the significantly high failure rate, and need for patients to manage lingering pain with opioid pain medication beg the question: Why are physicians still performing invasive spinal fusions?

THE ANSWER IS SIMPLE. An average spinal fusion patient typically has multiple procedures and a lifetime of follow-up, which can add up to over $250,000 in insurance payouts during the patient’s lifetime. The poor outcomes and long term side effects are what led to the creation of the Discseel® Procedure. To better understand how the two procedures compare here are some facts to consider:

  • Over 40% of spinal fusion patients don’t find relief from their long term chronic pain.
  • Nearly 1 out of 3 spinal fusion patients need a second fusion within 10 years of the original fusion surgery.
  • A staggering majority of spinal fusion patients report that post surgery, they still require strong pain medication to manage their chronic pain.
  • 70% of Discseel® Procedure patients report an improvement and a reduction in overall pain.
  • The Discseel® Procedure is a minimally-invasive outpatient procedure, whereas spinal fusions are not only invasive, but they leave scars and require days of recovery time in the hospital.
Success Stories
Erica Knudsen

Erica was an active mom of two children, and loved to run and hike. When back pain threatened to take everything she loved away from her, she sought treatment and experienced excruciating side effects. Watch how Discseel® got Erica back on track to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

“I have been able to engage in every activity with my family that I’ve ever wanted to be a part of. It’s 100% turned my life around.” – Erica Knudsen

Sean Gilbert

Sean Gilbert’s active lifestyle on the island of Honolulu was hindered by his back pain. Over the course of several years, his pain progressed, despite various treatments, and he was forced to stop hiking and surfing. See how the non-invasive Discseel® Procedure was able to get Sean back to the activities he loved.

“Pauza’s Disc treatment has given me back my life. It’s given me the lifestyle that I moved to Hawaii for, 35 years ago.” – Sean Gilbert

Jim Murphy

Jim suffered from back pain for well over 10 years, and his job and business were suffering. His quality of life was declining and he wasn’t able to do the things he loved. Because Jim didn’t want “deck screws” in his back, he pursued other treatments and learned about Discseel®. See how Jim now lives his life without worrying about back pain.

“The next morning, I didn’t have any pain. And this is the first time in 10 years I had no pain. The pain from that moment until now, hasn’t come back.” –Jim Murphy

Rick Hart

Rick’s fight against chronic back pain began early in his life. After pursuing multiple treatments over the course of several years, Rick’s suffering only got worse. His life and business began to suffer, and then he found Discseel®. Watch how this minor treatment had major results for Rick.

“Now I’m able to focus on my business, not my back pain.” –Rick Hart

Charlie Bolton

Charlie was active in many sports from an early age. But an increasing level of back pain made Charlie cautious about being active in the sports he loved and even everyday tasks. The treatments he received gave him no relief, and Charlie feared invasive fusion surgery. Watch how Discseel® gave Charlie his life back.

“It’s been amazing the difference that has occurred in my life. It really was a game changer for me. So for me, Discseel® has changed my life.” – Charlie Bolton

Hector Rivera

When Hector fell off a ladder at work, his life changed forever. Constant back pain altered his life, and his family life began to suffer. The Discseel® Procedure had him back to work within 7 days and he can enjoy his favorite hobbies again! Watch how the Discseel® Procedure gave Hector his life back.

“The Discseel® Procedure has giving me back something that my back and physical activities took away from me. It gave me back my life. It gave me back my family.” – Hector Rivera


Jenny was an active grandmother who loved to travel together with her husband. Back pain started to control her life, and she found the Discseel® Procedure after failed Spinal Fusion. Now Jenny is as active as ever, loving her family and traveling the world.

“I really thought I would spend the rest of my life in bed, or maybe in a wheelchair. The Discseel® Procedure gave me my life back.”

California Sports & Spine Institute

California Sports & Spine Institute © All rights reserved. 

Arcadia Location

51 N. 5th Ave Suite B, Arcadia, CA 91006

Glendale Location

317 S Brand Blvd Suite A-104, Glendale, CA 91204

Palmdale Location

41210 11th Street West, Suite K, Palmdale, CA 93551